

Spanish Republicans aces and pilots

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 28/11/2014

CaptJose MariaBRAVO FERNANDEZ42S. FloresEsc.Smirnov, 3a.Mosca, 1a23(Arkhipov) 10(Wendel)
TteDiegoGUIRAO GONZALES41S. Flores4a ChatoI-15 ace.5
CaptManuelZARAUZA CLAVER237T. PolakLacalle,4a.Chato,4a.Mosca, 21Gr; 961IAP, 481IAP12/10/1942KIFA.11 (Wendel);10 Sp;23 ww2
MayAndresGARCIA LACALLE21Ella Palancar, Ella Lacalle, 1a ChatoI-15 ace.11 (Wendel)
MayLeopoldoMORQUILLAS RUBIO21C. ShoresPatr.Reus, Esc.Norte, 3a.Chato, 2a.ChatoI-15 pilot.
CapVicenteCASTILLO MONZO16S. Flores2a.Chato, 1a.Chato, Gr.2612, 13
CaptAntonioARIAS ARIAS152T. Polak1a, 3a, 4a; 283 IAP,964 IAP,439 IAPI-16 ace, Spain. Russia, WWII.1 ww2(Cerda);25;24(Mel.)
CapEduardoCLAUDIN MONCADA14S. FloresEsc.Smirnov, 3a.Mosca, 1a.Chato, 1a.Mosca05/07/1938I-15 & I-16 ace, 1937-38.5
TteAntonioCALVO VELASCO12S. FloresGr 21
CaptAntonioGARCIA CANO126V.Arkhipov3a.Mosca, 7a.Mosca; 573IAPI-16, Spain.
MlLtAndresFIERRO MENU112S. Flores3aMosca; 439 IAPI-16, Spain. Hurricane, Yak-7, ww2.7 Spain 2 ww2 (Arkhipov)
EmilioRAMIREZ BRAVO10M. Wendel4a ChatoI-15 pilot.
CaptMiguelZAMBUDIO MARTINEZ10M. WendelE.Letov, E.Chato Norte, 3a.Chato, 26.GrI-15 ace, 1937-38.20 (Arkhipov)
MajManuelAGUIRRE LOPEZ8S. FloresGr11, 3a, 1a/Gr.21, Gr.21I-15 and I-16 ace.11; 10 (Wendel); 16
TteSabinoCORTIZO BERTOLO8Flores, Wendel4a Mosca21/01/1939I-16 ace. KIA.
TteJoseFALCO SANMARTIN8M. Wendel, D.Mechin5a, 3a, NocturnaI-15, Teruel, Ebro, 1938.7
ArmandoORTEGA VELILLA8M.R. Valverde
Miguel Angel 'Callevas'SANZ BOCOS8C.Cony et al.3a.MoscaI-16, Spain.
CaptJuanCOMAS BORRAS7R. Permuy LopezE.Lacalle,E.Santamaria,E.Vasca,3a.Chato, 26.GrI-15 ace, 1937-38.10 (Wendel)
tenFelipeDEL RIO CRESPO7R. Permuy LopezEsc.'Turshanskii', Esc. Chato del Norte20/04/1937I-15 ace, 1937. KIA
MayLadislaoDUARTE ESPES7R. Permuy LopezEsc.Chato del Norte, 4a ChatoI-15 ace, 1937-38.5 (Flores)
LtJuanLARIO SANCHEZ735T. Polak4.Chato, 2.Chato; 108 IAP, 127 IAP, 348 IAP6 (Flores)
CaptFranciscoMERONO PELLICER720V.Arkhipov4a, 1a & 6a.Mosca; 960 IAPI-16 ace, Spain.
JoseBRUFAU BASANTE6S. Flores06/03/1939KIA.
TteMarcianoDIEZ MARCOS6S. Flores4a.Mosca, Gp 21
tenRafaelMAGRINA VIDAL6M. WendelE.Santamaria, E.Lacalle16/07/19375
Jose MariaPASCUAL SANTAMARIA614Wendel+Polak1 AB, 283 IAP, 788 IAP8 & 6 (Arkhipov)
TenFranciscoTARAZONA TORAN6V.Arkhipov1a.Mosca, 3a.MoscaI-16 ace, 1937-38.5 (Wendel)
TteFranciscoALARCON RIOS5S. Flores
TteTomasBAQUENADO MORENO5S. FloresEsc.Chato del Norte28/05/1937I-15 pilot. KIA.
SargFelipeBORROSO CALVO5S. Flores
SargManuelFERNANDEZ MORALES5S. Flores1a.Mosca, 4a MoscaI-16 pilot.
sargJesusGARCIA HERGUIDO5R. Permuy LopezGr. 1306/06/1937Nieuport, I-15, 36-37. KIA.
VicenteGOMEZ5S. Flores1 Esc. Mixta
TteChindasvintoGONZALES GARCIA5R. Permuy Lopez1a Natacha, 2a.Chato,1a ChatoNatacha, I-15 ace.1+5sh (Flores)
CaptJulioPEREIRO PEREZ5M. Wendel2a.Mosca, 4a.MoscaI-15, I-16, Spain.
tenAndres L.RODRIGUEZ PANADERO5Esc.Palancar, Esc.Chato del Norte, 2a.Mosca28/09/1937I-15, I-16, 1936-37. KIA.+5 ?
FranciscoPAREDES MARTINEZ4J.Salas Larrazabal3a.MoscaI-16, 1938. KIA.
CapRobertoALONSO SANTAMARIA3R.Permuy LopezGr.11, Esc.Palancar, Esc.Santamaria (2a)01/07/1937Nieuport and I-15 pilot, 1936-37. KIFA.
sargRafaelPENA DUGO3R. Permuy LopezGr.11Nieuport, D.372, 1936. WIA.2+2 sh, 1+2sh, 1+3sh
sargFernandoROIG VILLALTA3R. Permuy LopezEsc.Mixta "Alas Rojas"Ni-H.52 pilot, 1936.
CapFernandoROMERO TEJERO3R.Permuy LopezEsc.Martinsyde, Esc.BreguetNi-H.52, 1936.
TteJulianBARBERO LOPEZ2R. Permuy LopezE.Chato del NorteI-15 pilot, Biscay 37.
TteJoseBASTIDA PORRAS2S. FloresE.Lacalle11, 17
TteJoseGONZALES FEO2R. Permuy LopezEsc.Chato del NorteI-15 pilot,1937.
Table: Spanish Republicans aces and pilots

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